Friday, September 18, 2009

all kinds of lovemush

Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. But rather, its a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum", what we currently refer to as destiny. - Serendipity

i am a complete ball of love mush this weekend. this boy here, who is also my best friend, and also happens to be the boy im head over heels for, is planning a big night for us today.

this weekend is our year anniversary since we've been together and even though it feels like its been so much longer, im so happy and excited to get all gussied up and celebrate with him this weekend. i love him with my whole heart.

i have my own sneaky plans all laid out for Saturday. which ill spill to you on monday since TP reads the blog and it'd ruin the surprise!

and by the way how can you not love that puppy? so sweet!

P.S. the hopeless romantic in me had a total Serendipity moment. Last night after doing some house hunting with treys parents, we realized that they are celebrating their anniversary this weekend as well, so the day Trey and I were on our first date, Treys parents got married 27 years ago. *sigh. i love it.


Tracy said...

mush mush mush!!!

Caitlin said...

Bah I love you! You're too cute! Have lots of fun on your anniversary weekend!!!

Nerdy Jess said...

awe sistah! so cute!